Indian Wars series, XVIII century. Kit No. 3 /35217/

Indian Wars series, XVIII century. Kit No. 3 /35217/

Scale: 1:35

Barcode: 35217

Series: XVIII century Series

Box size:  mm

The work of our customers:

Author - Rick Williams, the UK Author - Steven Martens, Belgium Author - Mathieu Alain, France Author - Douglas Houart, Belgium

Your comments

Ambrogio Redaelli
This Kit is really Awesome!
Ronnie Guthrie
One of the better-looking kits I have seen. Great work!
Ronnie Guthrie
A great set! The figure on the horse is perfect, one of the best Master Box has done.
francois segers
when the box art
francois segers
when comes the box art
Corrado Laccetti
Beautiful kit very nice
Leo Charron
Love sets #1 + 2 - good representation of Mohawk/Iroquois. Would like to see 17th cen. French in combat with them! And more Iroquois!!